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Karl Tessendorf


Karl is a talented writer and recipe developer with a passion for the history of food and drink. He produced and starred in a TV series about craft beer and BBQ culture. He’s also written two recipe books about cooking over fire, and he loves to eat, drink and be merry.

Favorite Cocktail: I’m a seasonal drinker so it’s always changing but you can’t go wrong with a Caipirinha or a Negroni. Lime is my favorite citrus and I love its fresh zing on a hot summer’s day. And a Negroni, well it’s a Negroni—so what more is there to say?

Best Mixer Tip: If you’re just starting out in the world of cocktails then my advice is to always keep it simple. There are so many classic cocktails that are easy to make with just a few ingredients. They’re iconic for a reason so before you buy a fancy smoke machine for infusing cocktails, delve into the classics. You won’t be disappointed.

Karl's articles

21 Aperol Cocktails: The Best Recipes to Sip and Enjoy

21 Aperol Cocktails: The Best Recipes to Sip and Enjoy

Aperol is the bright, bittersweet Italian aperitif that is known for adding a bold splash of citrus and herb-tinged deliciousness to any cocktail. With its unmistakable vibrant orange hue and zesty mix of bitter orange, rhubarb, and aromatic botanicals, it’s easy to see why it’s been a favorite behind the bar since 1919. While the […]

Negroni Week 2025: Your Ultimate Guide to Classic & Modern Twists

Negroni Week 2025: Your Ultimate Guide to Classic & Modern Twists

Since its inception in 2013, Negroni Week has transformed from a cocktail celebration with a charitable cause to a global movement for the greater good. It started small with just 120 participating venues, but over the years, hundreds turned into thousands, and now bars and restaurants celebrate the week globally. While the movement has boomed […]

The Complete History of the Negroni Cocktail

The Complete History of the Negroni Cocktail

The history of the Negroni stretches back over a hundred years. Its origins are steeped in Italian elegance and one man’s thirst for a bolder, more spirituous cocktail. At its core, it’s just a simple three-ingredient cocktail, but that hasn’t stopped it from crossing continents, changing cocktail culture, and capturing the collective imagination of the […]

Negroni Variations: Unique Recipes to Try at Home

Negroni Variations: Unique Recipes to Try at Home

The Negroni is an iconic Italian cocktail that traces its roots back to Florence in 1919. Legend has it that Count Camillo Negroni requested a stronger version of his favorite Americano, leading to the creation of this classic clinker. A traditional Negroni is a balanced blend of gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth, stirred together and […]

Feel Like Royalty with these 10 Classic British Cocktails

Feel Like Royalty with these 10 Classic British Cocktails

Friends, cocktail drinkers, and countrymen! Lend us your taste buds because we’re about to embark on a boozy journey of discovery around the United Kingdom. That’s right, we’re talking British cocktails today, and by Jove, are you in for a tasty treat! We’ve got whiskey, vodka, bourbon, and, as you’d expect from the British, a […]

16 Cheap and Easy Cocktails to Make on Any Budget 

16 Cheap and Easy Cocktails to Make on Any Budget 

The end of the year is fast approaching, and with it comes that elusive list of New Year’s resolutions. If you’re anything like us, then right under ‘go to gym more’ will be ‘budget better’. Well, my penny-pinching friends, do we have a treat for you today! We’ve put together a list of 16 of […]