Our very merry Peppermint Eggnog cocktail is a cool drink that does its warming from the inside out. If you are feeling crafty, you can make eggnog from scratch using milk, cream, vanilla, and egg yolk to make the batter. However, there are so many great store-bought brands these days that you can also take the shortcut — highly recommended for newbies and busy holiday hosts.
Peppermint Eggnog

Add the vodka and the schnapps to the eggnog and stir well
Chill in the fridge for one hour
Pour into your desired serving glasses or cups, garnish with a candy cane if desired, and serve
Fun facts about Peppermint Eggnog
Peppermint Eggnog is a very popular variation of classic eggnog. The exact origin story of the ‘nog is a bit murky, but the story goes that monks in medieval Britain were quite partial to a drink called ‘posset’ in the 1200s. This was made with warm ale, eggs, and figs. So, it’s fairly likely that posset, over time, evolved into the eggnog we all know and love today.
Variations of the Peppermint Eggnog cocktail to try
If you love this eggnog peppermint combo, you are bound to enjoy a few twists on this delicious festive drink as well. Here are a few ways to tweak it to your liking:
Peach Eggnog
Much like the Peppermint Martini, Peppermint Eggnog can be a bit of an acquired taste. If you like things a little less minty, try using peach schnapps instead of peppermint, for a sweeter finish.
Bourbon Peppermint Eggnog
Another way to switch up the flavor profile of this yummy Peppermint Eggnog punch is to use Wild Turkey 101 bourbon instead of vodka. This will impart a delicious caramel note that takes the peppermint flavor in a very different direction.
More ‘noggy goodness: Create Some Christmas Flair with an Eggnog Martini Recipe
When to whip up our Peppermint Eggnog recipe
Wondering when to serve this delicious Christmas cocktail? No problem, friend, we’ve got you sorted with a few great ideas:
Yeah, yeah, pretty obvious, hey? While we all love hot Christmas cocktails and classic bourbon Christmas cocktails, we like to think that the best Christmas cocktails actually tend to lean into a well-worn, slightly corny space, like a pair of comfy slippers. The holidays are sentimental, so it’s nice to serve up a drink or two that reminds everyone of bygone times.
Winter weddings
If you are planning on hosting a winter wedding, consider eggnog with peppermint schnapps as a cocktail hour drink. Even if your reception will be hosted indoors or in a heated tent, it’s nice to treat your guests to a cocktail that has a warming taste when the weather is frosty outside. If you’d like to make this drink appealing to vegan guests as well, you could consider our Vegan Eggnog recipe as a base. Creamy vegan drinks are having a moment, so do give it a try!
Learn more: The Ultimate Wedding Cocktail Hour Guide